(2018) 3 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 64–76
Title of the article A Convict and a Person Who Serves a Sentence as the Subjects of Evasion of Serving a Sentence Other than Imprisonment: Notes in the Margin of the Judicial Decision
Doctor of Law, Docent, head, department of criminal justice and legal studies, Special Training Institute, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, trostuk@ukr.net
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 3
Pages [64–76]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The principle that criminal liability is inescapable ensures the effectiveness of legal response to the crime. It is bound up with other criminal law principles. Moreover, it is connected to general law principles as the rule of law and legitimacy ones. However, the application of these modern principles is complicated by the so-called terminological ignorance and/or terminological abuse of lawmakers who neglect the rules of law-making techniques. Sometimes the use of established terminology by law-makers can have the opposite effect, for example, the legal norm is interpreted exactly the opposite, or its application differs. Arts. 389, 390 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (CC of Ukraine) are not exceptions.
The purpose of the article to interpret the notions of “convict”, “person who serves a sentence” as the subjects of crimes given in Arts. 389, 390 of the CC of Ukraine, and to analyze the judicial decisions in case No. 390/757/16-к. To achieve this goal, the following objectives are to be accomplished: 1) to describe the notions of “convict”, “person who serves a sentence” (Arts. 389, 390 of the CC of Ukraine); 2) to understand the meaning of the notion of “evasion of serving a sentence” (p. 6 Art. 52 of the CC of Ukraine); 3) to find the correlation between the elements of crimes given in Arts. 389, 390 and Art. 382 of the CC of Ukraine; 4) to make notes in the margin of the judicial decision in case No. 390/757/16-к.
The study results in the following conclusions: elements of crimes given in Arts. 382, 389 of the CC of Ukraine are related, thus requiring differentiation under criminal qualification; both crimes given in Art. 382 and Art. 389 of the CC of Ukraine violate social relations in the sphere of the criminal executive law and are committed with direct intent, however, an actor and a subject-matter differ in these crimes. The subject-matter of a crime given in Art. 382 of the CC of Ukraine is court verdict, decision, order, which have entered into force, and the subject-matter of a crime given in Art. 389 of the CC of Ukraine is a court decision, which has entered into force and which prescribes a fine or deprives of the right to occupy certain positions or to engage in certain activities. The actor of a crime given in Art. 382 of the CC of Ukraine is a person, who is obliged to execute a sentence, and the actor of a crime given in Art. 389 of the CC of Ukraine is a convict who serves a sentence other than imprisonment (e.g. fine, deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or to engage in certain activities, correctional labor).
The notions of “punishment” and “serving a sentence” are related and are in the relation of subordination as their scopes having no common elements are the part of a broader notion (criminal executive relations). In this respect, punishment is regarded as the legal activity of state authorities within criminal executive relations, and serving a sentence is obedience to terms and condition of serving a sentence by a convict.
Actions of a person who tries to evade the court order on replacement of a punishment under Art. 82 of the CC of Ukraine cannot be qualified under p. 1 Art. 382 of the CC of Ukraine, as such a person has no essential features of a special actor of a crime given in Art. 382 of the CC of Ukraine (e.g. s/he has no powers in the criminal executive sphere).
Keywords convict; a person who is serving a sentence; evasion of the imposed punishment; court decision; court verdict.
List of legal documents
1. Postanova Sudovoi palaty u kryminalnykh spravakh Verkhovnoho Sudu Ukrainy [The Order of the Judicial Chamber in Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of Ukraine] vid 12 kvitnia 2018 roku u spravi № 5-1кс12. URL: (accessed: 06.08.2018) (in Ukrainian).
Authored books
2. Burdin V ta Starosolska S, Kryminalna vidpovidalnist za ukhylennia vid vidbuvannia pokaran, ne poviazanykh z izoliatsiieiu vid suspilstva [Criminal Responsibility for Evasion of Serving Sentences Other than Isolation from the Society] (Lvivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Ivana Franka 2017) (in Ukrainian).
Journal articles
3. Chornozub L, ‘Deiaki pytannia kryminalnoi vidpovidalnosti za ukhylennia vid vidbuvannia pokarannia, ne poviazanoho z pozbavlenniam voli’ [‘Some Issues of Criminal Liability for Evasion of Serving a Sentence Other Then Imprisonment’] (2013) 26 Aktualni problem prava: teoriia i praktyka 571–81 (in Ukrainian).
4. Savchenko V, ‘Kryminalna vidpovidalnist za ukhylennia vid pokarannia, ne poviazanoho z pozbavlenniam voli’ [‘Criminal Liability for Evasion of Punishment Other Than Imprisonment’] (dys kand yuryd nauk, Natsionalna akademiia vnutrishnikh sprav 2017) (in Ukrainian).
5. Starosolska S, ‘Kryminalna vidpovidalnist za ukhylennia vid vidbuvannia pokaran, ne poviazanykh z izoliatsiieiu osoby’ [‘Criminal Liability for Evasion of Serving Sentences Other Than Isolation of a Person’] (dys kand yuryd nauk, Lvivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Ivana Franka 2016) (in Ukrainian).
6. Yakovets I, ‘Vplyv sudovoi praktyky na optymizatsiiu protsesu vykonannia kryminalnykh pokaran v Ukraini: ochikuvannia ta realii’ [‘Influence of Judicial Practice on Optimization of the Process of Execution of Criminal Punishments in Ukraine: Expectations and Realities’] (Informatsiinyi portal Kharkivskoi pravozakhysnoi hrupy “Prava liudyny v Ukraini”) URL: accessed 31 July 2018 (in Ukrainian).